

場所:ミュンヘン市内 schwabing ainmillerstr.    お申込みの方に詳細を送ります。
自分自身と繋がりなおすテクニックをシェアします。深い気づきと癒しを自分自身の身体から受け取ります。2時間 25ユーロ
とことん脱力して、身体と心の深層のこわばりを解放していく癒しのクラス。いくつかの道具を使いながら身を任せる完全なるリラクゼーションに加え、身体と魂への癒しのサウンドヒーリングも受け取れる贅沢なクラス。2時間 30ユーロ
10:00~10:40 瞑想(ドネーションで結構です)
11:00~13:00 リコネクションヨーガ
9/29日曜 ミュンヘン1dayリトリート 詳細はこちら

★ミュンヘンとミュンヘン近郊でのMovement Medicine workshop (英語)




 Cosmic Breth work and Movement Medicine 

17:30-19:30 Breath work with Jeanne

20:00-22:00 Movement Medicine "21 gateways - 5. West / Spirit of Water"

At Lichtsaal in Grafing near Munich


◎9/28土曜 19:00-21:30


 Movement Medicine workshop "21 gateways - 6.North / Spirit of Air"

At Lichtsaal in Grafing near Munich


◎10/12土曜 17:00-22:00

Turning into GOLD workshop with Yorck  

At Lichtsaa in Grafing near Munich




 Cosmic Breth work and Movement Medicine 

17:30-19:30 Breath work with Jeanne

20:00-22:00 Movement Medicine "21 gateways - 7. The Body "

At Lichtsaal in Grafing near Munich


◎11/23土曜 19:00-21:30


 Movement Medicine workshop "21 gateways - 8. The Heart"

At Lichtsaal in Grafing near Munich


◎12/14土曜 19:00-21:30

Movement Medicine workshop "21 gateways - 9. The Mind"

At Lichtsaal in Grafing near Munich



3 days weekend workshop "Elemental journey of Heart"

in Grafing near Munich



Plant Medicine retreat in Peru with Huni Kuin Tribe








Movement Medicine® with Yuki
"21 gateways - 5.  West / spirit of Water" 
with Breath work by Jeanne, and Special Water Ritual by Tanja
Saturday 24th August
Breath work 17:30-19:30, Movement Medicine 20:00-22:00
Wir freuen uns auf eine weitere BREATHWORK ATEMREISE und anschließender TANZREISE mit MOVEMENT MEDICINE.
Du bist im gehaltenen Raum herzlich willkommen und wir freuen uns sehr, wenn DU dabei bist!
☑️ Bring deine Wasserflasche, eventuell eine leichte Decke und Socken mit. Komme in bequemer Kleidung und verzichte bitte auf Parfum oder chemische Düfte. Die Tanzreise findet barfuß statt.
BREATHWORK ist eine Methode, die uns in erweiterte Bewusstseinsräume führen kann. Dadurch können sich emotionale Blockaden lösen und uns tiefere Einsichten zuteil werden. Jeanne wird die Atemreise anleiten.
MOVEMENT MEDICINE ist eine körperbasierte Bewegungsmeditationspraxis, die von Yuki angeleitet wird. Sie ist darin ausgebildet und wird uns durch die Bewegungsmeditation führen, um uns weiter zu erforschen und zu verbinden. 
Movement Medicine is a body based movement meditation practice with body, mind and heart, and with essences of contemporary shamanism and psychotherapeutic wisdom.
You will be guided how to sense the body with your own free dance, and Movement medicine will assist you to reconnect to your nature self, your heart, your creativity, the Joy of knowing who you are, and to live a life of authenticity that is guided by your soul.
(For more information of Movement Medicine and 21 gateways, please open the Movement Medicine page.)
Dance is Prayer, celebration, awareness, blessings, sending love, sharing light, spreading vibration, making a wave, being in the flow, connecting to Universe, calling spirits, shipping the journey, mapping the life, dreaming the future, creating the reality, becoming one with all, being held by Earth, and appreciation and love for living.
Tanja wird uns mit ihrer Präsenz als Raumhüterin und einem WASSERRITUAL begleiten, um uns noch tiefer im Rhythmus unserer Gefühlswellen im Körper zu verbinden. 
Breathwork Atemreise: 17:30 - 19:30 Uhr, 20 €
Tanzreise: 20:00 - 22:00 Uhr, 20 €
Zusammen: 30 €
Ermäßigung auf Anfrage möglich!
Einlass: 17:00 Uhr
Zahlung: Bar an der Abendkasse
Adresse: Thomas-Mayr Str. 4, 85567 Grafing
German for Breath work and Water ritual
English for Movement Medicine
ykyogaism@gmail.com (English)
info@lichtsaal-grafing.de (German)
Wir freuen uns! 🩵
Jeanne, Tanja & Yuki


≪About Movement Medicine®≫
Movement Medicine® is a body based movement meditation practice with body, mind and heart, and with essences of contemporary shamanism and psychotherapeutic wisdom.
You will be guided how to sense the body with your own free dance, and Movement medicine will assist you to reconnect to your nature self, your heart, your creativity, the Joy of knowing who you are, and to live a life of authenticity that is guided by your soul
Movement Medicine® is intent work you to bring your movement experience into your daily life for staying at your center in the real life.
And to make everyday "ritual".
Movement Medicine™ is a very special dancing meditation technique passed down through initiation ceremonies by British medicine women and shamans Susannah & Ya’Acov Darling Kahn, after over 30 years of research and practice.
≪about 21 gateways MANDALA≫
The symbol of the Movement Medicine Mandala contains all the teachings that make up Movement Medicine. Each of its 21 Gateways is an invitation to engage with a different aspect of life in the most creative way possible.
Each Gateway opens up an important aspect of life's journey. As your practice deepens, the mandala becomes more and more useful, both as a reminder of where you are, and as a measure of your evolution.

{ 21 gateways }


1. The Devine Feminine 

2. The Devine Masculine 

3. South : Earth 

4. East : Fire 

5. West : Water 

6. North : Air/Wind 

7. The Body 

8. The Heart 

9. The Mind 

10. The Past 

11. The Present 

12. The Future 

13. Fulfillment 

14. Interconnection 

15. Realization 

16. Self 

17. Others 

18. Community & Environment 

19. Ancestors/Spirit World 

20. Divine Source 

21. The Great Mystery 


<< about the Facilitator >>
Yuki Lakshminarayani
She is a Movement medicine certified Teacher, a Spiritual Healer, an International Yoga Teacher and a Shamanic Worker.

She started teaching group exercises since 1997, and she has been giving healing as well for physically, mentally, energetically and spiritually.
In her unique Movement Medicine® class, she puts in her nature wisdom of Shamanic work as she is a grand daughter of a Japanese Shaman,  and uses knowledge from long experiences of her skills such as Spirituality, Energy Work, Shamanic Healing, Meditation, Yoga philosophy, Dance meditation, Technique of family constellation, body works,  Art therapy, and Butoh performance.
She is trained and initiated by some Shamans from Japan, Peru, Ecuador, Nepal and England, and has a motivation and passion to contribute more with all resources.
She has held a lot of workshops and retreats in some countries around the world so far.
Through her soul mission, she supports people to harmonize body, mind, heart and spirit, as well as balancing Yin-Sacred Female energy and Yang-Sacred Male energy. And she assists people awakening "who you are", and the sense of " we are ONE, connected".
Website: https://beyond3.jimdofree.com/
Facebook: Movement Medicine Elemental Dance with Yuki
Instagram: yukilakshminarayani