★Yoga and Meditation class (Lunguage : English and Japanese)
Semi private class for max 4 people. Advance booking is needed for confirm your spot.
Place :
Schwabing Ainmillerstr. in München
Direction will be shown after your registration.
◎Reconnection Yoga
In the class, you will be shared some techniques for reconnection your body and yourself with the wisdom of here and now. And it will bring you to the deep
awareness and deep healing through your body.
2 hours 25 Euro
◎Deep Healing Yin Yoga + Singing bowls sound healing
Let go...... let all go........ please experience super relaxation physically, mentally, energetically, and spiritually.....
Surrendering and leaning on some simple equipment for let your energy flow.
And you will be healed by gentle vibration of the sound of many Singing bowls.
2 hours 30 Euro
{{ Up-coming Schedule }}
Saturday 15th September
10:00-10:40 Meditation (Donation)
11:00-13:00 Reconnection Yoga 25 Euro
★Movement Medicine workshop schedule table of contents ( Please find more information below)
◎Saturday 26th October
Cosmic Breth work and Movement Medicine
17:30-19:30 Breath work with Jeanne
20:00-22:00 Movement Medicine "21 gateways - 7. The Body "
At Lichtsaal in Grafing near Munich
◎Saturday 23rd November 11:00-14:00
Movement Medicine " Nature is calling
Eine Movement Medicine Erfahrung mit Yuki und Yorck
At Lichtsaal in Grafing near Munich
◎Saturday 14th December 18:30-20:30
Movement Medicine "21 gateways - 8. The Heart - Forgiveness"
At Lichtsaal in Grafing near Munich
◎ in Spring 2025
3 days weekend workshop "Elemental journey of Heart"
in Grafing near Munich
◎June 2025
Himalaya Spiritual Retreat
And more new class will be upcoming near future.
Please apply the subscription from the button above for the news.
Movement Medicine® with
"21 gateways - 7. Body"
Saturday 26th October
17:30-19:30 Breath work with Jeanne
20:00-22:00 Movement Medicine with Yuki
Wir freuen uns auf eine weitere BREATHWORK ATEMREISE und anschließender TANZREISE mit MOVEMENT MEDICINE.
Du bist im gehaltenen Raum herzlich willkommen und wir freuen uns sehr, wenn DU dabei bist!
☑️ Bring deine Wasserflasche, eventuell eine leichte Decke und Socken mit. Komme in bequemer Kleidung und verzichte bitte auf Parfum oder chemische Düfte.
Die Tanzreise findet barfuß statt.
BREATHWORK ist eine Methode, die uns in erweiterte Bewusstseinsräume führen kann. Dadurch können sich emotionale Blockaden lösen und uns tiefere Einsichten
zuteil werden. Jeanne wird die Atemreise anleiten.
MOVEMENT MEDICINE ist eine körperbasierte Bewegungsmeditationspraxis, die von Yuki angeleitet wird. Sie ist darin ausgebildet und wird uns durch die
Bewegungsmeditation führen, um uns weiter zu erforschen und zu verbinden.
Movement Medicine is a body based movement meditation practice with body, mind and heart, and with essences of contemporary shamanism and
psychotherapeutic wisdom.
You will be guided how to sense the body with your own free dance, and Movement medicine will assist you to reconnect to your nature self, your
heart, your creativity, the Joy of knowing who you are, and to live a life of authenticity that is guided by your soul.
Dance is Prayer, celebration, awareness, blessings, sending love, sharing light, spreading vibration, making a wave, being in the flow, connecting to
Universe, calling spirits, shipping the journey, mapping the life, dreaming the future, creating the reality, becoming one with all, being held by Earth, and appreciation and love for
Tanja wird uns mit ihrer Präsenz als Raumhüterin und einem WASSERRITUAL begleiten, um uns noch tiefer im Rhythmus unserer Gefühlswellen im Körper zu
Breathwork Atemreise: 17:30 - 19:30 Uhr, 20 €
Tanzreise: 20:00 - 22:00 Uhr, 20 €
Zusammen: 30 €
Ermäßigung auf Anfrage möglich!
Einlass: 17:00 Uhr
Zahlung: Bar an der Abendkasse
Adresse: Thomas-Mayr Str. 4, 85567 Grafing
German for Breath work and Water ritual
English for Movement Medicine
ykyogaism@gmail.com (English)
info@lichtsaal-grafing.de (German)
Wir freuen uns! 🩵
Jeanne, Tanja & Yuki
" Nature is calling you"
Eine Movement Medicine Erfahrung mit Yuki und Yorck
Gehalten sein in der Größe der Natur.
Am Fuße der Bäume tanzend, die Wärme der Sonne empfangen -
das Plätschern der Bäche und Flüsse erfahren, die nährende Luft atmen.
Unsere Körper erinnern und erkennen die Natur als ihren Ursprung, ihr Zuhause.
Wir laden zum Tanz ein, diese Verbindung zu ihr zu beleben und zu vertiefen.
Dabei spielen archetypische Bilder unserer Umwelt eine zentrale Rolle - als Tore zum tiefgründigen Körpererleben.
Willkommen, so wie Du bist.
Bitte bringe Dir komfortable Tanzklamotten, eine Wasserflasche mit. Üblicherweise tanzen wir barfuß, bei Bedarf vergiss bitte Deine Tanzschuhe nicht!
Ort und Zeit: Lichtsaal Grafing, Thomas-Mayr-Str. 4, 85567 Grafing
Samstag 23. November 2024, 11 - 14 Uhr
Einlass ab 10.30 Uhr
Preisskala: 30-40€
Um uns kurz vorzustellen:
Yorck Schultz ist Theatertherapeut (B.A.) und arbeitet an einer Montessori-Schule. Sein Interesse für die menschlichen Gefühle und deren gesunde Balance fand bei Movement Medicine ein Zuhause.
Seine Erfahrungen teilt er in seinen Workshops.
Yuki Lakshminarayani hat als Enkelin eines japanischen Schamanen eine langjährige Erfahrung mit der Heilkraft und Weisheit der Natur. Durch ihre Movement Medicine Arbeit unterstützt sie Menschen
bei der Selbsterkenntnis und dem Gefühl des Verbundenseins mit der Welt.
Tanja wird die Arbeit unterstützen, indem sie den Raum hält.
See you on the dancefloor....
Über die Praxis:
Movement Medicine ist eine körperbasierte Bewegungsmeditations-Praxis.
Sie vereint zeitgenössischen Schamanismus und psychotherapeutisches Wissen.
Du wirst angeleitet, deinen Körper in deinem eigenen freien Tanz wahrzunehmen und zu fokussieren.
Movement Medicine kann dir helfen, dich wieder mit deinem natürlichen Selbst, deinem Herzen, deiner Kreativität, der Freude daran, zu wissen, wer du bist und einem authentischen Leben, das von
deiner Seele geführt wird, zu verbinden.
Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, deine Erfahrung von der Tanzfläche in dein tägliches Leben zu integrieren und dich dabei zu unterstützen, in deiner Mitte zu bleiben, durch all die Schönheit und
Herausforderungen, die das Leben mit sich bringt.
Um mehr darüber zu erfahren, besuche bitte die Website der School of Movement Medicine:
Movement Medicine® with
"21 gateways - 8. Heart "
Saturday 14th December 18:30-21:00
This is the 8th gate of 21 gateways, however anyone can join even
you have not done previous gates.
Focus in this class is "The Heart".
To allow....., to forgive....., to acknowledge......, to
witness..... to heal....., to release....., to connect to the strength....., to embrace...., to open the ocean of love....
Movement Medicine is a body based movement meditation practice with
body, mind and heart, and with essences of contemporary shamanism and psychotherapeutic wisdom.
Let's dance your prayer for your heart, for your loved one's heart,
for our heart.
≪Date and time≫
Sat 14th Dec
Address :
Thomas-Mayr Str. 4
85567 Grafing
20 Euro
<< about the Facilitator >>
Yuki Lakshminarayani
She is a Movement medicine certified Teacher, a Spiritual Healer, an International Yoga Teacher and a Shamanic Worker.
She started teaching group exercises since 1997, and she has been giving healing as well for physically, mentally, energetically and spiritually.
In her unique Movement Medicine® class, she puts in her nature wisdom of Shamanic work as she is a grand daughter of a Japanese Shaman, and uses knowledge from long experiences of her
skills such as Spirituality, Energy Work, Shamanic Healing, Meditation, Yoga philosophy, Dance meditation, Technique of family constellation, body works, Art therapy, and Butoh
She is trained and initiated by some Shamans from Japan, Peru, Ecuador, Nepal and England, and has a motivation and passion to contribute more with all resources.
She has held a lot of workshops and retreats in some countries around the world so far.
Through her soul mission, she supports people to harmonize body, mind, heart and spirit, as well as balancing Yin-Sacred Female energy and Yang-Sacred Male energy. And she assists people
awakening "who you are", and the sense of " we are ONE, connected".
Movement Medicine ONLINE Research course with Yuki
This is an online research work with our bodies and movements for discovering "who I really am".
At the each session, we will focus a different theme with a different perspective receiving the "mystery" of BODY, MIND, HEART from own bodies.
from the connection between body and movement. This is research work.
Rather than depending on music, not being influenced by music, rather than being influenced by something outside, connect your focused perspective to your
imagination with the power that comes from your own inner fountain of life.
Deepening the bond to a certain strength and serenity which is "unbroken".
Through the experience of the connection between movement and consciousness, you will be able to deepen your research and approach the question of "who am
So much FUN to discovering!
Please jump in!
Tuesday 13:00-15:00 in CET
Online zoom
Schedule :
16th April ---- Inner Introception and outer interconnection
23rd April ---- Bridging between perception and imagination
7th May ---- Birth of body and life
21st May ---- Quarity of Fire and creativity
4th June ---- Tree people and Flower people
11th June ---- Poetry of body, movement and sense
9th July ---- Wisdom of YES and NO / Dancing Warrier
30th July ---- Encounter with inner wise elder
20th August ---- Seeing the world from the center of own circle
10th September ---- Returning back to the Earth
15th October ---- Co-creation of innocence and purity
5th November ---- Tree of life and three worlds
14th,15th December ---- Bridging between 2024 and 2025
after these dates will be shown later on news letters by E-mail or on this website.
Language :
English and Japanese bilingual
drop in --- 17 Euro
6 tickets --- 90 Euro
Cancellation Policy:
If canceled up to the day before, half price can be transferred to the next monthly fee.
Cancellations on the day cannot be refunded.
Payment :
Sending into Germany bank account
Through Paypal(added commission fee)
<< about the Facilitator >>
Yuki Lakshminarayani
She is a Movement medicine certified Teacher, a Spiritual Healer, an International Yoga Teacher and a Shamanic Worker.
She started teaching group exercises since 1997, and she has been giving healing as well for physically, mentally, energetically and spiritually.
In her unique Movement Medicine® class, she puts in her nature wisdom of Shamanic work as she is a grand daughter of a Japanese Shaman, and uses knowledge from long
experiences of her skills such as Spirituality, Energy Work, Shamanic Healing, Meditation, Yoga philosophy, Dance meditation, Technique of family constellation, body works, Art therapy, and Butoh
Sha is trained and initiated by some Shamans from Japan, Peru, Ecuador, Nepal and England, and has a motivation and passion to contribute more with all
She has held a lot of workshops and retreats in some countries around the world so far.
Through her soul mission, she supports people to harmonize body, mind, heart and spirit, as well as balancing Yin-Sacred Female energy and Yang-Sacred Male energy.
And she assists people awakening "who you are", and the sense of " we are ONE, connected".
Website: https://beyond3.jimdofree.com/
Facebook: Movement Medicine Elemental Dance with Yuki
Instagram: yukilakshminarayani
≪Energy Work Healing Session (
Self Creative Therapy / Energy Balancing )≫
{ Session Room }
Therapy room in
Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn (South Suburb of Munich) : booking available on Monday - Thursday 10:00-18:00
*Repeaters ONLY.
Therapy room in
Munich Schwabing : booking available on Thursday after 15:00, Saturday, Sunday 11:00
*Additional 30 Euro cost for each Schwabing session.
What kind of healing session is Yuki offering? Please see this page.
Ask for the booking schedule through Email: