2 weeks fasting ritual has been completed!

< 2 weeks fasting ritual has been completed! >
This year again, I have done 2 weeks fasting plant Medicine ritual.
It was my 2nd stage of 3 years Initiation for being united to the spirit.
During this fasting, my father-in-law passed away, and my closest teacher in India who initiated me the energy healing long time ago, he also passed away.
As I lost my stepfather in Japan recently, I feel that I have lost 3 fathers at same timing.
I had a deep special intense process also according to those happenings.
What a Cosmic intention to me!
Universe gives me always a lesson at certain timing.
I love fasting!
That was an amazing experience, I received lots of gifts and healing and strength for being connected to who I am. And I have got more confidence to be as I am.
I wish that I would have more opportunities to share this energy in my life.
Life is really unknown and limited.
Before my body finishes, I want to share and offer all I have and all I can do with my wisdom, knowledge, and experience through my long career.
My intention is always healing the Earth for world peace, which includes you and myself.
May the world be balanced.
And may all of us be connected to the meaning of life.
And now, flying to England for assisting Ya'Acov and Susannah at Movement Medicine professional training.
Looking forward to spend a good time with my teachers, peers and all students!!

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