Summer Long Dance 2024 in England has been completed.

Summer Long Dance 2024 in England has been completed.
7 days of dance prayer, including 72 hours fasting.
I am still in the beautiful echo and am still digesting all healings, awareness, and lots of love I received from visible beings and invisible beings.
I am totally washed.
I celebrate that I have grown up very much.
And I have become stronger even more.
I am protected and blessed.
It was so impressive that 140 dancers danced and prayed together just for our wish, "making the world better."
I have made many decisions during the ceremony to make my life more meaningful and progressive for following my soul purpose easier and to break through inner obstacles that disturb my intentions.
I will go with those decisions from here, and keep remembering it moment by moment in my daily life, this will be a prayer as well. I am sure this prayer will give me a golden path ahead.
I love this Movement Medicine community.
I love my teachers, Ya'Acov and Susannah.
I love all peers and friends, sisters and brothers.
I love myself being in this circle.
I can't express enough.
Life is limited.
Definitely, death/end will come, it may suddenly be, nobody knows when life finishes.
Therefore, I don't waste my lifetime.
I use my time and energy only for things which are belonged to my soul mission.
Each breath I am inhaling and exhaling is a prayer.
Each time when I open my eyes is like a newborn.
I live myself and witness myself until my body finishes.
I am here as a part of the world.
My body is here as a part of Earth.
And we are all connected.
We share the air, sky, ground, Earth, plants, and love on this planet.
All is connected.
All means really ALL!!!!
And the connection of the web is only LOVE!!!!!

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