I accomplished one of missions of my visit to the Himalayas.
At a charity event held a long time ago, I received donations from people in Japan, Germany, and Austria.
Now that COVID-19 is over, I have finally been able to deliver them.
The Sangasana master monk has opened a residential school here at the Mahabodhi center for orphaned children and children who live in remote areas of the Himalayas and cannot go to school, and provides them with free education.
I have decided to donate to children who are the seeds of the future who will create the future of the Earth.
I basically only donate to organizations where I actually know the people involved (or have been introduced by an acquaintance), can trust that the people involved are working seriously for peace, and my heart resonates with them.
By the law of the universe, when you make a donation, it will always come back to you.
I hope that those who donated this time will receive the blessings of Buddha and the Himalayas and live the life that their souls truly desire.
I hope that this will help bring peace to the world in the future.
May this donation contribute to world peace in the future.
May the people who donated this time receive the blessings of Buddha and the Himalayas and live the life that their souls truly desire.
I pray that this donation will help bring peace to the world ...
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